[Rant] The Doomsday Heist DLC is bad

The newest GTA Online DLC released December 12, 2017.  Here is the trailer in case you’ve not seen it.  It looks cool.  A new series of heists (to play with your one other friend who sort of still wants to play gta after four years).

Unfortunately, we cannot have nice things.  Broughy1322, a popular racing youtube for GTA Online, explains in perfect words how this DLC is summed up.  It is a rant, but it is entirely warranted.  He explains more than what I want to speak about here and what he said is how I felt about the Import/Export update, a year ago.

There’s always a catch with these kinds of free DLCs.  Rockstar has implemented a style to their game that is equivalent to a 30 hr/week job with all their paywalls.  Of course, I am talking solo.  You can make cash quicker with friends. The game is very dry solo, unfortunately.  Moreover, trusting people to do the right thing is another.  This DLC is so overpriced that I have not even had the chance to play with the “new” content, and it has been out for two days. A scuba suit is 150k.  A pickup truck is 400k.  A facility (which holds the same purpose as a Bunker) is 1.2M at the minimum, with the worst location–I may add.  I have 3M in my bank, but if I purchase one thing I won’t have enough to buy anything else.  The cheapest facility is at the most inconvenient location, Paleto Bay.  Unfortunately, to play I have to wait, which is bad.    Aside from basically spending all my money in one go to get the “new” property (Gun running 2.0), the new heist content is purposely exposed to the free roam sessions.  You now have to worry about losing all of your efforts to a troll in an Orbital Cannon, the new 100% waste of money griefing tool.  If you die, you start over same as before. Free roam was the worst decision for this DLC.  The ABSOLUTE worst!  Anything and everything bad can happen, and it’s rage-quit inducing.

One of Rockstar’s token decisions is making the same thing but better much later then the first iteration,  I.E., the new MOC vehicle is the Advenger, the Osprey, that a player can use to modify their “special” weaponized vehicles.  MOC Trailer is equivalent to the Advenger.  But the Advenger is a helicopter.  The original MOC is just a massive wide-load semi-trailer.  Rockstar likes to implement these new features that double for another feature, but the negative is that you cannot sell the other item, I.E., Pegasus vehicles.  You buy a MOC then this new much more versatile object, which does the same thing but can fly, is now available.  Why would you ever buy both?  The massive wide load semi truck was available first, and there was no indication that you would need the Advenger until this DLC. So you are forced to pick one or the other and waste more money and play time.  MOC cost about 3M for all the upgrades while the Advenger cost about 6M for all the upgrades.  One is much cheaper, but its extremely bulky, obviously an afterthought since most roads and wooden bridges need to be transversed differently due to the size.  If I had the option then to buy a helicopter vs. a Semi-trailer, I would pick the helicopter.  I fly most of the time in the game.  However, here’s the catch, you cannot upgrade any vehicles from the Gun Running update without a MOC trailer.  Moreover, you cannot upgrade any Doomsday Heist vehicles without the Advenger or the MOC trailer.  You can own both, and both will suffice (but a massive waste of money), or you can own one, and that suffices.  However, at the time of the updates, only one was available, and that was the Gun Running, so everyone who owns a bunker has a MOC trailer.  If Doomsday came out first it would be the same issue but opposite.  People would have spent all their money on the Helicopter and just said “no” to the trailer.  The massive difference between the two is the damage capabilities.  The Trailer can withstand 20-23 rockets while the helicopter can only withstand 8-9.  That price difference seems a bit @#$%’ed.

I’ve already used unique ways to play in solo public lobbies, in the past, now it is set in stone.  It was already harder to play with modders spamming explosions every chance they got.  I’m not going even to try to play with other players anymore.  I do not want to spend 30+ hours producing/making supplies to sell and lose it all in one second.  All my time is now limited to very low population lobbies, solo public lobbies, or always passive.

All the required property is massively expensive because they know you need it to play: A very predatory action.

Feel free to read the Patch Notes to learn more about the changes they’ve made.

  • The Heavy Sniper Mk II now deals half the amount of damage to the health of players and NPCs when using Explosive Rounds.  (Nerfed the explosive rounds, which doesn’t make sense since it still blows up planes and cars with 1 – 3 shots most of the time.)
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ rebreathers not replenishing after playing the Mobile Operation – Offshore Assets. (This was one fix I made a report on.  Never got reinbursed for the 250k I lost from rebreathers.  With the release of the scuba gear it doesn’t matter anymore)
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in Cargobob liveries incorrectly changing. (This change also wasted my money as well.  I never reported it because I wasn’t certain how, but had an issue where the hangar would replace my Cargobob Jetsam with a regular military cargobob after I’d already painted the Cargobob Jetsam with a unique paint job.)
  • Theyre not going to say it but, the biggest unfortunate change was the thermal vision.  It’s been heavily nerfed.  No longer can you see through walls, glass, or the ground, also the range was altered as well.



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